GitHub - clojure/tools.deps.alpha: A functional API for transitive

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A functional API for transitive dependency graph expansion and the creation of classpaths - clojure/tools.deps.alpha

fossa-cli/ at master · fossas/fossa-cli · GitHub

tools.namespace/ at master · clojure/tools.namespace · GitHub

GitHub - clojure/tools.deps.alpha: A functional API for transitive dependency graph expansion and the creation of classpaths


GitHub - RickMoynihan/lein-tools-deps: A leiningen plugin that

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GitHub - gnl/ghostwheel: Hassle-free inline clojure.spec with semi

GitHub - clojure/tools.deps: Deps as data and classpath generation

Support adding brick as :extra-deps for a Polylith workspace in

Practical Clojure Programming