Chinese fishing boats took half a billion dollars of illegal squid from North Korea. Scientists used satellites to catch them out

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Satellite technology and machine learning are helping track down illegal and environmentally damaging ‘dark fleets’ of fishing boats.

Chinese fishing boats took half a billion dollars of illegal squid from North Korea. Scientists used satellites to catch them out

Squid fishing grew by 68% in just three years, raising fears the industry is out of control

International law – News, Research and Analysis – The Conversation – page 7

A.I. Helped Uncover Chinese Boats Hiding in North Korean Waters

Oceans/marine University of California

Oceans/marine University of California

They treat us like dogs': Inside the deadly world of Chinese squid ships - The Globe and Mail

GeoGarage blog: Chinese fishing boats took half a billion dollars of illegal squid from North Korea. Scientists used satellites to catch them out

Chinese fishing fleet off Peru stirs up diplomatic waters f @ MONGABAY dalng the aan Two-thirds

Social Responsibility - Nereus Program - The Nippon Foundation

Chinese squid-fishing crews seek to escape beatings and more - Los Angeles Times

percentage of ships suspiciously turning off their geopositioning device map. it shows areas where illegal fishing is likely to take place (reprensented by squares). Why in these regions in particular ? Is

Impacts of Illegal_ Unreported and Unregulated Fishing on Developing Countries by Nieves * - Issuu

fishing University of California

North Korea – information, recherche et analyse – The Conversation France, page 3