A large lake trout stole this teen's ice fishing trap. Seven hours

$ 31.00

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When Cob van de Sande headed out onto East Grand Lake with family and friends during February vacation, one day of ice fishing didn’t begin exactly how he’d planned.

Will Elliott: Lake Ontario large on lakers

Angler pulls 57-pound lake trout through the ice; 'I was frozen

Watch: Canadian Angler Catches Huge Lake Trout Through Ice

Angler Lands Record-Sized Trout, Skips Weigh In

In the Loop Fly Fishing Magazine - Issue 17 by In the Loop Fly

How High Can It Go? - The County

Teens reel in big catch on prom night Saturday

Skaneateles Lake Fishing

Breaking the ice on hard water fishing season

Ice Fisherman's World-Record 52-Pound Trout Confiscated After Law

Ice Fisherman Pulls Up A Massive Lake Trout The Size Of A Shark

Ice Fishing World Record: Angler Releases Huge Lake Trout in Canada

Going to Need a Bigger Hole - Monster Lake Trout #icefishing