Would a serrated sword blade be practical? - Quora

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How effective is a sword, designed as a scissor, to cut or catch an open weapon? - Quora

Can you make a double edged sword with one edge sharper than the other? What if one side was serrated as well? - Quora

Is there a point of having a part of a sword's blade serrated ? : r/SWORDS

Serrated Blades are LESS Dangerous as Weapons

Why aren't there any swords that are serrated on one side? - Quora

How to sharpen a serrated knife - Quora

What type of sword would you carry if you carried a sword? - Quora

Would street signs make horrible sword blades? - Quora

What materials were historical swords typically made from? Were other metals ever used instead of iron and steel? - Quora

Would it be a practical idea to make a sturdy wooden sword, but add sharp steel edges on it? - Quora

Are Uruk-hai swords from LOTR movies practical design? - Quora