How can B.C. share fish with Alaska? - Burnaby Now

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By 2100, nearly half of the world’s shared fish stocks are expected to shift to neighbouring countries or international waters, says a new UBC study

Canadian government plans to fund new salmon hatcheries - North

ATLAS steak + fish - Burnaby Restaurant - Burnaby, BC

Thousands B.C. chinook found dead, threaten whale's food source

Feds order salmon farms shut down by June 2022 - Western Investor

Oil spill near Hope 'a regulatory failure,' say area First Nations

The beginning of the black cod fishery in BC - Fisherman's Market

Up to the gills in goldfish: Large invasive fish a problem in B.C.

Media links for stories about salmon and their habitats

Thousands of herring found dead off B.C. coast

Streamkeeping Paul Cipywnyk's Blog

Canada's first network of marine protected areas slated for BC

B.C.'s melting glaciers kick off salmon-gold rush conflict

Recent declines in salmon body size impact ecosystems and

Media links for stories about salmon and their habitats