Is there a connection between artificial food dye and kids' behavior?

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Parents who remove synthetic colors like Red 40 from their kids’ diets call it transformative, but the FDA has said dyes don't affect most children. California hopes to change that.
A California state senator wants a label placed on foods that contain artificial dyes that will warn parents that they can cause or worsen negative behavior.
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Potential impacts of synthetic food dyes on activity and attention in children: a review of the human and animal evidence, Environmental Health

Is Artificial Food Coloring Safe For Kids? Here's What You Should Know.

Feingold Diet

Hot sales of goods Is red dye use in food products a health hazard? - The Washington Post, red 40

Do Artificial Food Dyes, Flavors, & Preservatives Effect Behavior? — TheraPlay 4 Kids

Red Dye 40: Allergies, Sensitivity, and Safety

Surprising Kid's Products with Artificial Dyes - Kids Play Smarter

Rages, Meltdowns & Defiance - From The Lived Experience Perspective

ARTIFICIAL FOOD DYES and the Effects on CHILDREN'S BEHAVIOR (Shocking stuff!)

Potential impacts of synthetic food dyes on activity and attention in children: a review of the human and animal evidence, Environmental Health

Red Dye 40, Food Additives and ADHD: Feed Your Child's Focus

Red dye 40 and ADHD: List of foods, symptoms, and more