Schematic drawing of a beluga capture using the encirclement approach

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Schematic drawing of a beluga capture using the encirclement approach

Nutritional status and prey energy density govern reproductive success in a small cetacean

Beale's Natural history of the sperm whale of 1839.

Beale's Natural history of the sperm whale of 1839.

Chaotic opposition learning with mirror reflection and worst individual disturbance grey wolf optimizer for continuous global numerical optimization

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume V Slice VII - Cerargyrite to Charing Cross.

eCFR :: 50 CFR Part 216 -- Regulations Governing the Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals

NPS Centennial: Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA)

Scammon's Marine Mammals of the North-Western Coast of North America