How are intestinal parasites transmitted? - Quora

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Answer (1 of 4): Many can be. Pinworm is passed between children by direct transmission. A child scratches their rear end (pinworm hosts often have itchy rear ends). Some of the ova (eggs) of the pinworm are now under the fingernails, and s/he can now pass on those eggs to other children through

What is this? Found in feces, labs for parasites came back negative. - Quora

What does a tapeworm do? - Quora

How do parasites infect other organisms? - Quora

What causes white worms in the human stool? - Quora

Is it acceptable for a puppy from a breeder to have worms? I'm treating him per the vet's instructions, but it makes me wonder about the breeder. - Quora

What are the 5 parasitic worms that can live in humans? - Quora

How common is it to have intestinal parasites in humans? - Quora

How common is it to have intestinal parasites in humans? - Quora

What fruits are anti-parasitic? - Quora

What are the causes of pinworm infection? - Quora

What will happen if a tapeworm dies inside its host? Is it excreted? - Quora

What is cyclosporiasis? - Quora

What are the most common causes of an amoebiasis? - Quora

Why do tapeworm like thigh muscles? - Quora