The Grander Blue Marlin: A Young Giant

$ 24.00

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At more than 1,000 pounds, the magnificent blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) is also known as a "grander" blue marlin. Its sheer size makes it difficult to land and study. For the first time, we were able to calculate the age of such an impressive specimen due to the quick action of the captain, crew, fisherman, and some well-connected locals. When they first caught this grander blue marlin in September 2009, they took size measurements and saved the head. The marlin's head contained the crucial element to answering the question of its age—the ear stones, also known as otoliths.

Vexilar Product Comparison OutDoors Unlimited Media and Magazine

How to Catch a Grander

Tournament Granders: Sportfishing's Holy Grail - InTheBite

Offshore OutDoors Unlimited Media and Magazine

Species Profile: Blue Marlin

Giant Grander Black Marlin - IFISH

Otolith NOAA Fisheries

Grander Hunting by Jim Chambers and Capt. Joseph Franck

Grander Country

Fighting Blue Marlin 1075 lbs Grander! Amazing jumps!