From Fishing Nets To Fashion: Repurposing Waste

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What if we looked at the life cycle of every item we purchased and thought "Where did this come from? What will happen when I'm done with it?" This company has figured out how to solve a problem for a community of fishermen and save wildlife by giving some of the ocean's most harmful pollution a new, more fashionable, life.

A Social Enterprise That Turns Recycled Fishing Nets Into Skateboards

Fishing with nets - river/lake Ocean pollution, Pollution, Marine debris

Discarded fishing nets turned into fashion in effort to tackle plastic waste - The Japan News

Abandoned fishing nets pose a major threat to marine life. Clothing manufacturers are working to turn

Ghana's battle against 'waste colonialism' in the wake of fast fashion

Trash into treasure: Can fishing net waste be the future of fashion? - The Japan Times

Transforming textiles

Burberry uses old fishing nets for clothes - IEMA

Professor joins government steering group on fishing waste

How Repurposed Fishing Nets Help Climate Change Relief

Upcycling and Repurposing - FasterCapital

The Best Products Made from Recycled Fishing Nets

Opportunities - Circular Ocean

The Basics and Statistics Behind Textile Recycling - ÀLA.HAUSSE

Marine Waste and the Circular Economy: New Life for Shellstring Cords and Fishing Nets - Taiwan Panorama