Falcon Decoy Replica Predator

$ 13.00

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Falcon Decoy is a life-size, accurately painted predator replica that has authentic markings. It features mirrored, reflective eyes that seem to be watching pests.

Scare birds with a dynamic realistic visual predator. The Bird-X Prowler Owl features a four-foot wingspan and lifelike accurate markings. The always-moving hunting postured owl never perches so birds can't acclimate. The Bird-X Prowler Owl resembles the ultimate most-feared aerial predator the Great Horned Owl which catches and eats almost anything that moves. The breeze and the owl's natural appearance do the rest.

Bird x Prowler Owl

Measures 15.7 Height x 6.7Width. Made of sturdy molded plastic and seems very realistic, scare away birds effectively.Just put the hawk in a visible location such as a tree or shrub. Open the bottom tab and fill it with sand to gain weight.Hawks are the natural predator of birds and destructive living beings. Perfect defender for the garden, patio, porch and more.

Bird Scarecrow Fake Horned Hawk Decoy, Bird Repellent Garden Protectors, Natural Enemy Pest Deterrent Scarecrow

Scare birds with a dynamic realistic visual predator. The Bird-X Prowler Owl features a four-foot wingspan and lifelike accurate markings. The always-moving hunting postured owl never perches so birds can't acclimate. The Bird-X Prowler Owl resembles the ultimate most-feared aerial predator the Great Horned Owl which catches and eats almost anything that moves. The breeze and the owl's natural appearance do the rest.

Bird x Prowler Owl

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