Bycatch, Description, Statistics, Solutions, & Facts

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Bycatch, term for any fish, mammal, bird, or other animal or group of animals captured unintentionally by the commercial fishing industry. Bycatch is closely related to the term discard, which is the amount of haul that is discarded back into the ocean, alive or dead. Bycatch becomes discard when

Bycatch NOAA Fisheries

Bycatch Reduction Week

Environmental impact of fishing - Wikipedia

Atlantic data Sea turtle bycatch per unit effort (BPUE, #individuals

National Bycatch Reduction Strategy

Addressing Bycatch in New England's Groundfish Sectors: The Development of a Fishing Area Selectivity Tool, Bookstore

Worked Solutions - Test 7

Study finds reduction in seabird bycatch since 2002, but researchers urge vigilance as rates rising

Bycatch rates (specimens per monitored day-at-sea) of marine mammal

Bycatch NOAA Fisheries