Threatened Smelt Touches Off Battles in California's Endless Water

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California's Water Wars Environmentalist Efforts To Save Delta Smelt

California WaterBlog, A biologist, economist, engineer and geologist walk onto a bar…

Delta smelt: the tiny fish caught in California's war with Trump, California

Drought could hurt endangered fish caught in water fight

Drought could hurt endangered fish caught in water fight

Kate Galbraith - The New York Times

Anger flares as California stormwater washes out to sea - Los Angeles Times

Frederick Polls Client featured in The Cook Political Report - Frederick Polls

Jonathan Ochshorn—ARCH 4621 Sustainable Architecture: the Science and Politics of Green Building, Spring 2021

California storms: A 2-inch fish is limiting how much water can be captured for cities and farms

Delta Smelt Deaths Mean Less Water for Central and Southern California

Frederick Polls Client featured in The Cook Political Report - Frederick Polls