Baby Long Legs, Mob Wiki

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Baby Long Legs is a minor character in Poppy Playtime and a major character in the Poppy Playtime shorts that are based on the Fazbear & Friends series. Baby Long Legs is a spider toy in the shape of a baby, it has a yellow body, wears diapers, has one piece of blue hair on his head, and blue shoes. Although none of his personality is revealed in Poppy Playtime in the Fazbear and Friends shorts, he is very mischievous and always causes problems for Daddy Long Legs whenever he tries to take care

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Mommy Long Legs (Project Playtime)/Gallery, Poppy Playtime Wiki, mommy long legs spider poppy playtime trailer

Poppy Playtime Character Collage by DarkFairy1999 on DeviantArt, mommy long legs wiki

Baby Long Legs, Mob Wiki